Friday, September 30, 2011

Life Group...........

It is only week 2 of Bible Study Fellowship and already I am being convicted! I love that God encourages me to step out of my comfort zone in order to grow and learn. Last week we studied Acts chapter one and it was regarding the promise that Jesus made to the disciples that He would soon return to heaven but that He would send the Holy Spirit to them. This weeks lesson we are studying Chapter 2, regarding the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Church. In this chapter we see that the Holy Spirit came just as promised. He enabled Peter to boldly proclaim the Gospel message, when just 50 days earlier he had denied he even knew Him. In the lecture Peg encouraged us.... "Don't think that your past disqualifies you." God used Peter in an extraordinary he boldly proclaimed the Gospel message to all that had gathered for Pentecost. Three thousand were cut to the heart that day and realized that they too were responsible for the crucifixion of Christ. As we realize that "we too...... that "I too"........ am responsible for the crucifixion of Christ, and turn to Him in repentance .....God gives to us that same Holy Spirit we see in Acts Chapter 2. We are changed just as Peter was.

This is the part where conviction comes in.........We may not be given a pulpit as Peter was, but we have "our 3000." We influence those that we interact with and share our lives with on a daily basis, and this either draws them to Christ or it turns them away depending on whether we are filled with the Holy Spirit as Peter was that day. It is God that draws them, by His Spirit, not us! The Holy Spirit was manifested in the life of Peter and 3000 were added to the church in one day! I pray that the Holy Spirit will be manifested in my life.......daily!! May God help me to show His


I loved studying this chapter in depth and learned that the Holy Spirit brings power to change hearts, and He brings unity and compassion for one another. Peter was only "successful" because he was dependent on the Holy Spirit.

I pray that I am able to grow and to experience in even greater measure what I see in Acts Chapter 2. They prayed together, broke bread together, took care of one another.........this makes me ever so grateful for my church "life group." We have been meeting together for the past several years, learning and growing together. This weeks lesson puts an ever deeper meaning to the word fellowship and spurs me on to even greater love for them. Praying for the Holy Spirit to bless our time together this year as we meet on Monday nights to study the book of Matthew.


Sunday, September 18, 2011

A New Journey...........

Last week was the first week back for Bible Study Fellowship. It feels good to get back and see all my friends again after the summer, and reminds me of the feeling that kids have going back to school each fall. We are studying Acts of the Apostle this year and I am very excited. In the lecture it was stated that

Jesus works through the power of the Holy Spirit, in and through His people, to further His cause to the world.

God is taking me on a new journey as I am stepping out of my comfort zone to lead a group this year. For the last several years I have taught in the Children Program and have been so very blessed. Each week they have taught me as much as I have taught them. They love so freely, and forgive so quickly! They don't see the imperfections or handicaps that we often think limits a person. I will always cherish the time God allowed me to teach these precious little ones! I still remember many of these precious ones and think about and pray for them often. That God was so gracious to allow me to teach them God's True Word was an amazing blessing in my life. Through teaching them, He was also teaching me!


These are the things God developed in me through the Children's program in Bible Study Fellowship, and I will be forever grateful! I look forward to the new things He will teach me in my new role as a group leader. I tried my hand at "Homiletics" this week and actually enjoyed it! Through the study of Acts Chapter One He reminded me once again.......

"He is faithful to His promises and will guide those that trust Him"

I pray that I will remember that I can trust Him to guide me in every area of my life.

Because of Calvary,

Thursday, September 15, 2011

It's Been Awhile

Well, obviously it has been longer that I I have forgotten how this thing works and will have to re-learn how to use this technology. Reading through my last posts, it is overwhelming to think of all that the Lord has done in the last 18 months. I now have a married daughter and a new son-in-law!! and am seeking God's wisdom on how to parent Adult Children. My second child is now a Senior in High School, and AJ is in his last year of Middle School. Tony remains the love of my life and we have a new puppy named Lilly. My dad has battled Lung cancer and is in remission after surgery last year followed by chemotherapy. God is so good and is teaching me over and over again how He is forever Faithful to His promises. He does not promise that our lives will be without difficulty, as a matter of fact He tells us that in this life we will have trouble!!

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Yet we are Blessed that He does not leave us to face these trials alone, but that He walks along side us, teaching us through them. I have faced my share of "trials" in this life, but I am thankful that I have been taught to have an eternal perspective and that ultimately I know who has overcome, and through Him I can too!!

Because of Calvary,