Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Telling of His Marvelous works........

Well……..I think it is funny how many people have said to me since I started this blog how they would have never guessed that I was ever any different than I am now. Some friends have asked many questions and I have had opportunity to tell them more of what God has done in my life….how He has changed me. I also realized how hard it is to explain to someone that hasn’t known me for very long how much has changed. Its complex….it has been a long journey…..a wonderful journey. I look forward to all that He will continue to show me, the things He will continue to change in me.

I do want to explain another reason that I started this blog…..God’s Word tell us to tell the next generation of His marvelous works. Over the last six years I have experience the deaths of my Mother, Father-in-law ( 3 months apart ), my Great-Aunt and Grandmother (six months apart ) as well as one of my mentors. I have discovered that I have a rich history of Faith filled family members but I don’t know many of their stories. I don’t know how they came to love Jesus, and how God changed their lives. My hope is that I will tell my children over and over……but as I have done this I have also realized that they don’t quite get it. I can tell them that their father and I are different, and that we were not always the same people that we are today, but they don’t yet have the understanding and life experiences to fully know how God takes a life and changes it. My prayer is that with this blog I will have a way to preserve the stories……. God’s stories……of His Faithfulness to our family.

Tammy Null

1 comment:

  1. We miss you and your family! It will be good to read your posts as well, simply to rejoice in what the Lord is doing.

    Your friend in Christ,
